The Federation of Our Lady of Furness.
Our federation of Our Lady of the Rosary and St Mary’s is now well established and continues to thrive through the collaboration, support and care of our team of governors, staff and pupils. Each playing their part to build upon our successes and develop the future in line with our mission and Gospel Values.
We are all very proud of our two schools, both serving their communities as Mary, our patron saint, served the early Christian community around her son Jesus Christ. Although federated, our two schools have their own unique identity which reflects the needs of the families they serve. However, they share the same warm heart and care for everyone who is welcomed through their doors.
Mary Page
Chair of Governors
September 2022
Members of the Governing Body & terms of office.
The Governing Body comprises of 12 members - 2 Headteachers, 7 Foundation Governors, 2 Parent Governors and 1 Staff Governor.
Current members are as follows: -
Mrs L Byrne - Headteacher, St. Mary's Catholic Primary School, Ulverston.*
Mrs B Charnley - Headteacher, Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School, Dalton-in-Furness.*
* Headteacher term of office ends when employment ceases.
Foundation Governors. (Appointed by Bishop/ Diocese of Lancaster).
Mrs M. Page (Chair of Governors). 24/02/2023 to 23/02/2027.
Mrs N. McLaughlin Cook. (Vice Chair of Governors). 09/09/2022 to 08/09/2026.
Fr. J. Burns, 21/10/2022 to 20/10/2026.
Mrs A. Pritchard. 12/03/2021 to 11/03/2025.
Mrs D. Sewell. 09/09/2022 to 08/09/2026.
Mrs J. Ellingham. 30/06/2023 to 29/06/2027.
Mrs. S. Armistead. 16/02/2024 to 15/02/2028.
Other Governors.
Mrs S Caulfield (Staff Governor) 26/01/2024 to 25/01/2028.
Mrs K Seeds (Parent Governor) 22/01/2024 to 21/01/2028.
Mrs S Dixon (Parent Governor) 23/02/2024 to 22/02/2028.
School Business Manager.
Mr P. Lewis. No voting rights.
Mrs R. Jewell. No voting rights.
Declaration of Personal and Pecuniary Interests 2024 - 2025.
Mrs L Byrne. None.
Mrs B Charnley. None.
Fr. J Burns. None.
Mr N McLaughlin Cook. None.
Mrs D Sewell. None.
Mrs M Page. Chair of Governors for Federation and St. Cuthbert's.
Mrs Ellingham. Works for local educational publishing company./ Family member works as supply teacher in local area.
Mrs S Caulfield. None.
Mrs K Seeds. None.
Mrs S Dixon. None.
Mrs S Armistead. None.
Mr P. Lewis. (School Business Manager). Family member employed by St. Columba's Catholic Primary School, Walney.
Mrs R Jewell (Clerk). None.
Mrs S. Friars (Elected Staff Governor). 06/07/2021 to 05/07/2025. Resigned 21 November 2023. Personal and Pecuniary Interests - None declared.